"This is what a love story should be." - RT Book Reviews

I had such a great time writing this story. I hope you get a buzz out of it too! 

They say that writers love to make life hard for their characters. Well, I admit it. In this case 'they' are right. I put my hero, Stavros Denakis in a sticky situation, then tried to figure out how to make it even worse. Of course, I didn't have any clear idea of exactly how he was going to get out of trouble, but that was a problem for later on! Stavros was fascinating to write - a man with enormous wealth and power, who is used to life following the pattern he has laid out for it. I took great delight in causing him trouble, then sat back to watch the fireworks. 

The story opens at his private villa on a Greek island. Several hundred people are attending an A list party to celebrate his engagement - an event that's attracting its fair share of paparazzi attention. The night is balmy, Stavros' fiance looks gorgeous wearing a fortune in diamonds, the champagne flows and everyone is enjoying themselves. Then...Stavros' wife arrives! To give Stavros his due, he didn't realise Tessa was still alive, but now he finds himself with both a wife and fiance. As one of Europe's wealthiest men, head of an exclusive fine jewellery house, this news makes wonderful fodder for the press. And it doesn't improve his mood one bit! 

The interactions between Tessa and Stavros are highly charged. For Tessa is not at all what he believes her to be. He wants to think the worst of her yet she keeps undermining his certainty, surprising him and challenging him. The growth of their relationship from misunderstanding to admiration and eventually love, was enormously satisfying to write. 

In some ways this is my Frog Prince story. Though Stavros is gorgeous to look at, strong, honourable and successful, he has much to learn about himself as well as about trust and love. It's only when he learns these lessons and acts accordingly that he truly becomes a worthy husband for Tessa. 

As if to reinforce that theme, I was part way through writing this story when I stopped in at a garden centre in country New South Wales. In the courtyard I found a cast iron frog, complete with a gilt crown. The Frog Prince! I knew it was meant to be. So I bought the frog and carried him home in the car. Now he resides in my garden where I can see him through the window as I sit at the computer. He was there as I put the finishing touches to this story and I like to think he provided inspiration. His name is Stavros. And no, in case you're wondering, I haven't kissed him. One strong, sexy hero at a time is enough for me to cope with!

Reviews Excerpt Return

North America Edition

To be Released : May 2008


United Kingdom Edition

To be Released : November 2007


Australia / New Zealand Edition

To be Released : February 2008


Manga Edition


Greek Affairs - Anthology Edition
